On October 15, Salman Khan returned as the presenter of Bigg Boss 17. This season’s contestants are diverse, including Abhishek Kumar and Isha, who were previously engaged. At the premiere of ‘BB 17’, there was a fierce battle between the two in front of Salman Khan. Isha also alleged that Abhishek Kumar was possessive and violent. In the most recent episode (18 October), however, Abhishek became emotional while discussing his separation with Isha. Additionally, he expressed his desire to wed her.
Day 3: Bigg Boss 17 developments
Abhishek Kumar becomes emotive when discussing Isha
The premiere of ‘Bigg Boss 17’ took place on October 15th. Abhishek Kumar became emotional on the third day of the episode while discussing his emotions for Isha with Munawar Faraqui.”Right now, I’m ignoring him, but I get the impression that he treats me well when I talk to other girls.” converse with other women to avoid him, but when I do see him, my entire body trembles.
He kept on, “I keep wondering why we separated and if we were separated, why fate put us together?” I even told her to give her career ten years before marrying me. I am totally prepared to marry her. I genuinely like her. If you speak with the characters on ‘Udaariyaan,’ you will learn how much I adore them. Now I feel extremely depressed.
“I am unable to accept and forget that it is over,” he declared. My family advised me to avoid Bigg Boss when I visit Bigg Boss. “But I can’t seem to get him out of my head.”
Combat at Isha-Khanzaadi
Khanzaadi and Isha had a terrible argument in the previous episode. This occurred while Abhishek and Khanzaadi were conversing in the garden while Isha passed by. He believed that they were discussing him, so he said something that ignited a conflict. Abhishek Kumar joined as well.