This ZEE5 Original film is a Boundscript Production and a Red Chillies Entertainment production. The film follows the life of Bob Biswas, a hired assassin who...
Chitrangda Singh, like many other performers, had resumed work at the start of 2021 and had even begun preparing her second production endeavor. She was placed...
Chitrangda Singh comes from a military foundation is notable at this point. The entertainer, whose father was in the military, experienced childhood in different pieces of...
The Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi entertainer Chitrangda Singh hails from a military family. Her dad Col. Niranjan Singh, an ex-Indian Armed force official had an adaptable work...
On the event of Global Dance Day, a few superstars have taken to their online media feed to share recordings and photographs of their dance. Bollywood...
It’s that long stretch of the year which is committed towards skewering mindfulness over rape. April being the Rape Mindfulness month here’s taking a gander at...